The former MEP opens up on everything from the Middle East to the Jewish heritage of Britain’s ‘first ever home-grown gourmet food’
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Historic Reform burial ground, described as a ‘vital community asset’, to be transformed
By Jane Prinsley
Critics of the plans said that the 43-storey tower would have taken light away from the sanctuary at Bevis Marks
By JC Reporter
Amid concern for pupil welfare, school in London’s poorest borough drops proposal following JC’s reporting
Half of the pupils at George Green's School in Tower Hamlets would qualify for free school meals
Girl rushed to hospital with head injuries after being assaulted with bottles in east London
The Spitalfields Trust is calling on JC readers to share their family stories in connection with the 19th century shul
By Daniel Ben-David
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Opposition to Walthamstow Gails prompts anti-Israel accusations against the chain’s ‘Zionist mogul’ owner
Councillor made the call for violence at an anti-fascist rally in Walthamstow
A new Museum of the Home exhibit immerses visitors in the daily life of an East End Jewish family preparing for Shabbos
Jewish counter-protesters arrested during anti-Israel Hackney demonstration
London shopping centre engulfed by huge flag on Sunday
The Rio cinema was the subject of numerous complaints after boycotting its annual Eurovision screening over Israel’s involvement
By Eliana Jordan
Mural of Al Jazeera reporter painted over with “bring them home now”
The hosts of the UK’s largest Eurovision screening have announced their decision to scrap the event over the weekend
The budget meeting was suspended after Labour councillor Joshua Garfield was hissed and booed before addressing the council